Saturday 2 November 2013

The Old Lie - Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

The truth has a way of leaching out from under the cold steel boot of oppressors. Modern-day Britain is an inherent disgrace to all freedom fighters of the French and Russian revolutions and those shining leaders of equality such as Malala Yousafzai. We must be rendered repulsive to the eyes of others and hopefully, to our own. I stumbled, very gladly, upon a wondrously truthful article written on an idealistic British revolution of which I am a big dreamer. Kevin McKenna, I salute you Sir!

Some of us are asking the same questions of ourselves in 2013: why, in the face of so much inequality, corporate dishonesty, police brutality and political corruption, do we simply grumble and stage good-natured and orderly marches, with multigrain sandwiches and infants in prams? Why do we continue to be bought off with endless royal jubilees, worthless Olympiads and the creeping militarisation of a country whose soldiers are treated like heroes for fighting wars against developing world nations?
This is a very important revelation. Why have we not rid ourselves of oppression and corrupt governments? We, the people, are the cogs of our country, it is our pockets that should dictate the economy that we found ruined by green-finger bankers and scheming politicians. I share with Mr McKenna the disdain for purposeless Royal occasions that glamourise the wealth of a sole ruling family, an extremely outdated idealism that the British people should view as totally superfluous. How is it that deep-pocketed Cameron, in his whimsical delusions, believes sporting events with the world's athletes bring England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales together? Meanwhile, this Tory git will have us brainwashed into leaving the EU?! Wake up people! To have a proper Union means equality, not a dictatorship by English government draining all resources from it's neighbours and belittling it's own citizens! We pat our children shoulders when they are off to war yet we do not stop to think they are murdering innocent human beings in another country or even still, fighting groups such as the Taliban, but it is not our war to fight. Yes, we MUST help those people. Yes, we cannot sit still twiddling our thumbs. However, we are an intelligent people lucky enough to have the resources so readily available in the West. We have the ability to treat the wounded, send aid and money, find compromises, form treaties. We abuse our power like America and allow them to lead us to slaughter like the pied piper removing the vulnerable children from their hometown. Who says that other countries cannot have weapons? If we have them, which we should not, why should they not be allowed the "protection" we deem necessary for ourselves? The hypocrisy is rife!

And again, Cameron would wish us to isolate ourselves from the EU, to abandon our allies. This is a petty move of an inexperienced leader.

While Vodafone, Google, Rangers FC and hundreds of other major companies have been allowed to deprive the exchequer of billions in tax revenues, the Westminster government remains focused on doing what the Conservatives have been doing for hundreds of years: penalising the poor.

The Conservatives are only interested in the coins in their hands and the notes in their obese wallets. Find a redeeming quality of this outdated party and I will diligently eat Bart Simpson's shorts! The problem in Britain today is the lack of parties for the people, by the people. Labour have withered away with Ed Milliband's incoherent speeches anesthetizing the electorate and the influx of posh Eaton schoolboys humming and hawing and copying the Conservatives. Meanwhile the Libdems scored several damning own-goals almost, it seems, deliberately under Whats-His-Face's order. Ah yes, Nick Clegg. I'd forgotten his name for a while... It's a pity because I had decent respect for Libdem policies until they got into bed with Cameron avec cronies and came up with fleas (or Gonorrhea). As a sufferer of depression, when asked my mood on a scale of one to ten, I feel pictures pre- and post-election of Mr Clegg's face sum it up nicely. Need I even bother mentioning the scum of BNP/UKIP a.k.a borderline-Nazi racists? I am not a supporter of Scottish Independence personally, however I can see the glittering nation in the horizon as easily as the next Nationalist and it sure beats the pathetic spineless crowd of tight-upper lipped buffoons squabbling over who has more money, that are running the UK at the moment. My only hope seems the Green Party and even their efforts are, at best, weak and ignored easily. Perhaps some young revolutionists would like to step up and campaign? They have my vote already.

Many of those who are seeking their battered tins of spaghetti hoops or bashed packets of pasta are not the feckless drug- and alcohol-addicted workshy of popular rightwing myth. According to one charity organiser in Glasgow's East End I talked to last week, these are people who often have to accept scandalously low-paid work simply because they don't want to take benefits. In the winter, they will be penalised again when the cartelism of the energy companies kicks in and they can only afford to heat one room in their home.
I think some of you may have forgotten the times before pensions and decent human rights. The government believed the poor were poor because they were lazy. This is the exact level of mind control the Tories are polluting us with today! Benefits are not for the lazy - they are for the poor, the sick, the single parents, those who are desperate for a job to feed their family. We work just as hard as the billionaires, perhaps even more! Those who strike are not time-wasters, they are utilising a right that more of us should exercise. You'll sit there and compliment the cinematography of Les Mis yet you are blind to the message; you feel sorry for the characters in the movie? Then plug in your brain, see what is happening on your own turf.

Not long ago, these people would have been able to turn to the Labour party and the trade unions to fight their corner, but those days are long gone. These days, strike action is confined to boutique one-day stoppages. If people begin to make rude messages with their fingers or snarl at the police who will outnumber them two to one, then they will be kettled and jostled by our state-licensed knuckle-draggers.
The Labour party, meanwhile, has been kidnapped by a shower of unprincipled Oxbridge careerists and their utterly useless Scottish concubines.
The real wonder of the 2011 riots in England and Wales isn't that they happened at all but that there weren't more of them, that they didn't last longer and that there was so little violence. A British revolution is long, long overdue … but perhaps we simply don't deserve one.
We must fight for our own rights because these snobs we name politicians will only fight for their own. I was baffled by the opinions of ignorant twats that claimed the riots were "evil". Yes, I understand that complaint from a parent that lost their son or daughter in the violence but not ordinary citizens. Am I missing something? Has everyone gone mad? The old lie -  Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori - what is the point when you fight for a country that does not fight for you?

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