Saturday 27 April 2013



It's been a while since my last post, and to be fair it was pretty crappy post. Exams are coming up so this is most likely the last post before I sit my Higher Exams and set the path for my future I suppose. One main worry has been the focus of my mind lately but it's not something I can be sure of - to truly know I'd have to put my trust in a type of people I can never trust, so I'm sort of trapped in this position. But in my head, I know I'm right: it would explain a hell of a lot!

So I was bored while studying chemistry and my mind started to wander. I started thinking about collision, but not the science kind. Take a moment to think about it. Everything collides with each other. Your body - if things worked individually, you would die. In the street, if traffic lights worked independently of the actual traffic flow, all would be disrupted and chaos would ensue. It's sort of like our lives.

I'm sure we've all met people that are almost magnetic - you are drawn to them, and sometimes they are drawn to you. Something is sending you together, whether they be a friend, a lover or even just a family member you haven't met before. I feel lucky that I have several people in this category. I'm not sure whether its a sign that they will become great people, and by great I meant special/influential, whatever. Or whether they will just be very important to you or carry out some important task that's connected to your life. It might be all three, or it might just be crazy chemicals in your brain. But I feel science has already proved that chemicals in the brain aren't just rubbish - they're important. 

So why is it these people exist? I think they must serve some purpose that is interconnected with us in some way. Because every little thing is connected to and relies on, each other. Sometimes, moments in time, or physical places impact with us. These moments, so electrically charged with emotion and power, create us. Like the big bang, only they impact our personality, our life, our way of thinking. Sometimes it's a song or an object. But there are always moments, greatly happy in our memory or terribly sad. I can name several of mine. Most people will share common ones, like your first kiss or being in a car crash. Yet they still remain wholly ours. Completely individual.

These moments make us who we are. These magnetic people shape us. I'm sure your parents always told you, what you do will have consequences. And anything you do will have consequences, even something good you do could have bad consequences. The moments that impact us, it's what we do with them that ultimately makes us.

There are billions of possible futures, billions of possible paths we could be taken down. It is not the destination it is the Journey that is us. We have so many opportunities and there are so many moments that impact us. Be grateful for the good ones, and stay strong through the bad ones.

I'll post after exams!
Kathryn xxx

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